Navigating Dental Care During Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic treatment is a journey towards a perfect smile, but it requires special attention to dental care. Dr. Anna Romans and Dr. Sheila Soltani of Romans & Soltani Dentistry in Camillus, NY, offer a roadmap to maintaining impeccable dental health during your orthodontic sessions.

1. Understand the Importance of Oral Hygiene with Braces

Braces create nooks and crannies that can trap food particles, leading to plaque buildup and increased risk of tooth decay. Adopting an effective oral hygiene routine is essential to protect your dental health during treatment.

2. The Right Tools for Cleaning Around Braces

A toothbrush with a small head and soft bristles is ideal for cleaning around braces. Interdental brushes and water flossers are also excellent tools for removing debris from hard-to-reach areas.

3. Master the Art of Brushing and Flossing

Brushing after every meal is crucial when you have braces. Ensure you brush around all parts of your braces and every surface of your teeth. Flossing daily with a floss threader or orthodontic floss can help maintain gum health and prevent cavities.

4. Regular Dental Check-Ups Are Crucial

Routine visits to Romans & Soltani Dentistry for General Dentistry services ensure any potential issues are identified and treated early, keeping your orthodontic treatment on track.

5. Embrace an Orthodontic-Friendly Diet

Avoid hard, sticky, or sugary foods that can damage your braces or promote tooth decay. Opt for softer foods and cut fruits and vegetables into small pieces to make eating easier.

6. Managing Discomfort and Oral Irritations

Orthodontic adjustments can sometimes cause discomfort or irritate the mouth. Over-the-counter pain relievers and orthodontic wax can provide relief. If discomfort persists, consult with your orthodontist at Romans & Soltani Dentistry.

7. Special Care for Invisalign Wearers

Invisalign aligners require a different approach. Remove your aligners before eating and brush your teeth before reinserting them. Regularly clean your aligners to keep them free from bacteria.

8. Don’t Forget about Professional Cleanings

Professional cleanings at Romans & Soltani Dentistry are more important than ever during orthodontic treatment. These sessions help remove any plaque buildup and keep your teeth healthy.

9. Dealing with Emergencies

If you experience a broken bracket or wire, contact your orthodontist immediately. In the meantime, use orthodontic wax to cover any sharp edges.

10. Post-Treatment Care

Once your braces are removed, wearing a retainer as directed is crucial to maintain your new smile. Schedule a Teeth Whitening session to brighten your smile after your treatment.

11. Oral Care for Children and Teens

For our younger patients undergoing orthodontic treatment, our Pediatric Dentistry team can provide customized advice and encouragement to keep up with their dental care routine.

A Healthy Smile Through Orthodontic Treatment

Navigating dental care during orthodontic treatment can seem daunting, but with the right practices and support from Romans & Soltani Dentistry, you can maintain excellent oral health throughout your journey. Remember, the end result – a beautiful, healthy smile – is well worth the effort!

If you’re in Camillus, NY, and undergoing orthodontic treatment, let Dr. Anna Romans and Dr. Sheila Soltani guide you through maintaining optimal dental health. Reach out to us at 315-487-1545 or visit our website to schedule an appointment or for more tailored oral care advice.


  1. American Association of Orthodontists: Guidelines on oral hygiene for orthodontic patients.
  2. Journal of Orthodontic Science: Studies on the best oral care practices during orthodontic treatment.
Dr. Sheila Soltani
Dr. Anna Romans

Dr. Anna Romans // Dr. Sheila Soltani
Both Dr. Romans and Dr. Soltani offer impeccable experience in dental surgery and medicine, staying up to date on the latest dental procedures for the best treatments. At their office, they continue the tradition of providing services in a patient-friendly environment and work towards making oral health care options more affordable for those within the Camillus, NY area.

Dr. Sheila Soltani
Dr. Anna Romans

Dr. Anna Romans // Dr. Sheila Soltani
Both Dr. Romans and Dr. Soltani offer impeccable experience in dental surgery and medicine, staying up to date on the latest dental procedures for the best treatments. At their office, they continue the tradition of providing services in a patient-friendly environment and work towards making oral health care options more affordable for those within the Camillus, NY area.