Exploring the Advantages of Dental Implants for Tooth Replacement

Dental implants have emerged as a leading choice for replacing missing teeth in dental restorations. Dr. Anna Romans and Dr. Sheila Soltani at Romans & Soltani Dentistry in Camillus, NY, delve into why dental implants are often considered the superior option for tooth replacement.

1. Lifelike Appearance and Functionality

Dental implants are renowned for their natural appearance and functionality. They are designed to mimic the look and feel of natural teeth, from the root up to the crown. This lifelike quality enhances aesthetics and ensures comfort and efficiency in eating and speaking.

2. Long-Term Durability and Reliability

One of the most significant advantages of dental implants is their durability. With proper care, they can last a lifetime, unlike other dental prosthetics that may need frequent replacements. This long-term reliability makes them a cost-effective solution in the long run.

3. Preservation of Bone and Facial Structure

Dental implants play a crucial role in preserving jawbone density and maintaining facial structure. When a tooth is lost, the jawbone can begin to deteriorate. Implants stimulate the bone, just like natural tooth roots, preventing bone loss and preserving the natural contour of your face.

4. No Impact on Adjacent Teeth

Unlike bridges, which rely on neighboring teeth for support, dental implants are standalone restorations. This means they do not put any strain on adjacent teeth, preserving the overall health of your remaining natural teeth.

5. Improved Oral Health

Dental implants contribute to better oral health. Since they function like natural teeth, regular brushing and flossing are all that’s needed to keep them clean, reducing the risk of gum disease and other oral health issues.

6. Versatility in Dental Restoration

Dental implants offer a versatile solution, whether you’re missing one tooth or several. They can be used to support crowns, Dental Bridges, or even full dentures, providing options for various dental restoration needs.

7. High Success Rate

Dental implants boast a high success rate, partly due to advancements in Digital Dentistry. These technological advancements allow for precise planning and placement, increasing the likelihood of a successful and long-lasting implant.

8. Convenience and Comfort

With implants, there’s no need for the adhesives required for dentures. They eliminate the discomfort and inconvenience associated with removable prosthetics, offering a solution that feels and functions like natural teeth.

9. Boost in Confidence and Quality of Life

Missing teeth can impact your self-esteem and quality of life. Dental implants restore not only your smile but also your confidence. They allow you to eat, laugh, and speak without worry, enhancing your overall well-being.

10. Dental Implants and Cosmetic Dentistry

For those seeking an aesthetic upgrade, dental implants can be combined with cosmetic dentistry services like Teeth Whitening to achieve a radiant, harmonious smile.

Start Your Dental Implant Journey with Us

Choosing dental implants is a wise investment in your long-term dental health and quality of life. At Romans & Soltani Dentistry, we’re committed to providing top-tier dental implant services, tailored to meet the unique needs of each patient.

If you’re considering dental implants in Camillus, NY, Dr. Anna Romans and Dr. Sheila Soltani are here to guide you through every step. Contact us at 315-487-1545 or visit our website to explore your options and embark on a journey to a healthier, more confident smile.


  1. American Academy of Implant Dentistry: Information on the benefits and longevity of dental implants.
  2. Journal of Oral Implantology: Studies on the success rates and patient satisfaction with dental implants.
  3. International Journal of Dentistry: Research on the impact of dental implants on oral health and bone preservation.
Dr. Sheila Soltani
Dr. Anna Romans

Dr. Anna Romans // Dr. Sheila Soltani
Both Dr. Romans and Dr. Soltani offer impeccable experience in dental surgery and medicine, staying up to date on the latest dental procedures for the best treatments. At their office, they continue the tradition of providing services in a patient-friendly environment and work towards making oral health care options more affordable for those within the Camillus, NY area.

Dr. Sheila Soltani
Dr. Anna Romans

Dr. Anna Romans // Dr. Sheila Soltani
Both Dr. Romans and Dr. Soltani offer impeccable experience in dental surgery and medicine, staying up to date on the latest dental procedures for the best treatments. At their office, they continue the tradition of providing services in a patient-friendly environment and work towards making oral health care options more affordable for those within the Camillus, NY area.