Maintaining Dental Health During Your Travels

Traveling can disrupt your daily routines, including your oral care regimen. But with the right strategies, maintaining dental health on the go is simpler than you might think. Dr. Anna Romans and Dr. Sheila Soltani from Romans & Soltani Dentistry in Camillus, NY, share essential tips for keeping your teeth healthy while traveling.

1. Pack Smart: Travel-Sized Oral Care

When packing for a trip, space is often limited. Opt for travel-sized toothpaste, a foldable toothbrush, and a small bottle of mouthwash. If you’re undergoing treatments like Invisalign, don’t forget your aligner case and cleaning essentials.

2. Stay Hydrated for Oral Health

Air travel and different climates can lead to dehydration, which affects your oral health. Drinking water regularly helps maintain saliva flow, which naturally cleanses your mouth and fights cavities.

3. Chew Sugar-Free Gum

Chewing sugar-free gum, especially during long flights or road trips, can stimulate saliva production, reducing the risk of cavities and keeping your breath fresh.

4. Healthy Snacking Habits

Resist the temptation of sugary snacks and drinks, especially when options are limited during travel. Opt for fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and water instead.

5. Keep Up with Routine Care

Even when traveling, brush your teeth twice a day and floss daily. It’s easy to neglect these habits during a busy trip, but they’re crucial for preventing dental problems.

6. Prepare for Dental Emergencies

Carry a small dental kit with you, including items like floss, pain relievers, and a temporary filling material. Know the contact information of your dentist back home for advice if you encounter any dental issues. For those with specific dental needs, like patients with Dental Implants or Crowns and Bridges, extra care is necessary to avoid complications.

7. Avoid Harmful Habits

Try to avoid habits that can harm your teeth, like chewing on ice or using your teeth to open packages. This is especially important for those with Dental Bonding or other cosmetic dental work.

8. Schedule a Check-Up Before and After Your Trip

If you have an extended trip planned, consider scheduling a check-up at Romans & Soltani Dentistry before you leave and after you return. This is particularly important for treatments like Teeth Whitening or if you’re in the middle of a dental treatment plan.

9. Special Considerations for Children

For families traveling with children, maintaining their oral care routine is crucial. Pack their favorite toothbrush and toothpaste to encourage brushing. Our Pediatric Dentistry services provide more tips tailored to young travelers.

10. Mind Your Mouth Guard

If you’re active in sports or outdoor activities during your trip, don’t forget your Sports Mouth Guard. Protecting your teeth from potential injuries is vital.

Your Smile, Our Commitment, Everywhere You Go

At Romans & Soltani Dentistry, we’re committed to ensuring your smile stays bright and healthy, no matter where your travels take you. With these tips, you can maintain your oral health effortlessly while exploring the world.

Stay Connected with Us

For more personalized advice or to schedule a pre-travel check-up, reach out to us at 315-487-1545 or visit our website. Dr. Anna Romans and Dr. Sheila Soltani are here to support your dental health, whether you’re at home in Camillus, NY, or on a global adventure.


  1. American Dental Association (ADA): Tips on maintaining oral health while traveling.
  2. Journal of Travel Medicine: Studies on the impact of travel on oral health.
Dr. Sheila Soltani
Dr. Anna Romans

Dr. Anna Romans // Dr. Sheila Soltani
Both Dr. Romans and Dr. Soltani offer impeccable experience in dental surgery and medicine, staying up to date on the latest dental procedures for the best treatments. At their office, they continue the tradition of providing services in a patient-friendly environment and work towards making oral health care options more affordable for those within the Camillus, NY area.

Dr. Sheila Soltani
Dr. Anna Romans

Dr. Anna Romans // Dr. Sheila Soltani
Both Dr. Romans and Dr. Soltani offer impeccable experience in dental surgery and medicine, staying up to date on the latest dental procedures for the best treatments. At their office, they continue the tradition of providing services in a patient-friendly environment and work towards making oral health care options more affordable for those within the Camillus, NY area.